• Artec 3D

    Artec Metrology Kit 

    a professional photogrammetry solution for inspection, reverse engineering, and other industrial measurement applications with metrology-grade precision and high-end volumetric accuracy.
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Artec Metrology Kit, What is it?

For high-precision industrial applications, such as deformation analysis, testing, and inspection, consider a 3D optical coordinate measurement system. The Metrology Kit gives flawless results indoors and out, is compatible with important software like Control X and PolyWorks, and is versatile enough to fit into your workflow.
The Metrology Kit can be used as a referencing tool for even greater 3D scanning accuracy over distance or as a stand-alone optical measuring solution. You may access the whole 3D scanning + photogrammetry workflow inside Artec Studio by using the Metrology Kit plugin.

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  • Learn how you or your business can benefit 
  • See the Metrology Kit in action

 Got a questions?

  • Where can I try it in person?
  • Can the Metrology Kit capture my object?
  • What software do I need?
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Various software-compatible

Industry-leading software programs like Geomagic Control X, PolyWorks, and many others are compatible with the Artec Metrology Kit.


Anywhere you need it

The entire kit can be carried about in a tough, portable case, and dynamic reference allows you to take pictures of moving objects, making it ideal for usage in environments where it would be impractical to use standard measuring devices or other 3D measurement equipment.


The 6DoF optical measurement is DAkkS-certified.

A full optical coordinate measurement system with up to 10-micron accuracy. Up to 30.3 megapixels of camera resolution, a 28-mm wide-angle lens, measuring targets, adapters, and scale bars.


An optical coordinate measuring system with great accuracy makes examination of items like wind turbines, ships, and aviation parts a dependable and simple process.

Retain accuracy in uncertain environments

Accurate measurements fulfilling repeatability requirements can be taken during almost any production step – even where the part is in motion. On a hydraulic ramp, for example.

Workflows that use photogrammetry 

Utilize the data from the Metrology Kit in your own workflow to compare it to 3D meshes, CAD entities, and to take extremely precise distance measurements.

High precision for full confidence

Obtain considerably more accurate datasets and confidently carry out inspection in use cases requiring a high level of repeatability.

Analysis of Deformation

Use this optical measurement solution for activities where a quick measuring time is essential, such as analyzing the deformation characteristics of materials under various loads and environmental conditions. Analyzing geometrical changes in objects like storage tanks, car parts, or design prototypes is a breeze using the Metrology Kit.

Flexible and Portable

Because of its portability, the Metrology Kit is simple to use even in the cramped conditions seen in climate chambers.

Simplified Measuring

Work comfortably in strenuous testing environments like climate chambers, where very quick acquisition times are essential but consistent precision and extremely correct datasets are essential.

Streamlined Workflow

Given the numerous measurement points typical of deformation analysis and the challenging working conditions, such as high temperatures and humidity, the Metrology Kit's straightforward process is especially crucial.

For 3D Scanning Reference

Combine the dense point cloud of a metrology 3D scanner with the high precision of the Kit’s optical measurements to expand the capabilities of small to medium-sized object scanners. You can have the best of both worlds obtaining high resolution on smaller elements within large objects while having them fully captured with minimal accumulated error and high volumetric accuracy.

Expand the range of compact scanners

Even when you're not utilizing a 3D scanner for metrology, the Metrology Kit generates a point cloud with excellent volumetric accuracy that you can use as a reference to get exceptional 3D scanning results over distance.

Greater Precision Against Distance

Scanners having a restricted field of view can be used to precisely capture significantly larger objects. This implies that you may maintain extremely high volumetric accuracy—up to 0.015 mm + 0.015 mm/m—while capturing minute details.

Simplified Process

The measuring process is easy to comprehensive, self-contained workflow that incorporates the entire photogrammetry-complemented pipeline into a single environment and runs from signalizing to reporting.

Applications Within The Industry

Flanges on offshore locations in the North Sea and Baltic Sea are frequently surveyed and examined by a German offshore and maritime engineering company that has received ISO certification.

Because of its portability, the Metrology Kit is simple to transport by helicopter. It is the perfect option for such high-accuracy applications under unpredictable conditions due to its quick measuring time, simple procedure, and dynamic referencing.

Within 60 minutes, all measurements, including those for the drill hole diameter, inner and outer diameter, and flatness and inclination of the flange faces, were completed.


The Metrology Kit is used for high-accuracy applications by businesses in the UK, Germany, and Japan that are involved in astronomy, defense, and space. The main and sub panel systems of this substantial satellite antenna tilted at different degrees were subjected to deformation analysis.


On every fourth chassis in a production line, a major German automaker employed the Metrology Kit for quality control to examine the welding stud placements. The welding robot was programmed using the findings.


Major automakers utilize the Metrology Kit to precisely pinpoint the locations of sensors on a car body and appropriately place them within the coordinate system of the vehicle as part of tests and research for autonomous driving.


 Artec Metrology KitProfessional Entry
 Length Measurement Accuracy/ MPE 0.015 mm + 0.015 mm x Length Diagonal [m] 0.025 mm + 0.025 mm x Length Diagonal [m]
Point-Based Measurement Accuracy  0.002 mm + 0.005 mm/m (RMS)
0.003 mm + 0.007 mm/m (3 sigma)
 0.004 mm + 0.006 mm/m (RMS)
0.005 mm + 0.009 mm/m (3 sigma)

Volumetric Accuracy Combined With Our 3D Scanners

 Artec Leo / Artec Eva0.115 mm + 0.015 mm/m0.125 mm + 0.025 mm/m
Artec Space Spider0.065 mm + 0.015 mm/m0.075 mm + 0.025 mm/m


Systematically take photos from various heights, positioning the cameras so that they form a dome-like shape around the subject. At least six captures of each target are required, together with the reference cross at four perpendicular angles.


Use the resulting point cloud for technical purposes that are unique to you, such as deformation analysis, flatness check, general dimension measurement, etc.


Import the images into Artec Studio, with the Metrology Kit plugin installed, or your favorite photogrammetry software, to generate a target cloud.

Object assembly

Set up targets, reference crosses, and scale bars all around the object on surfaces, making sure they don't move during the capture process.

3D Scanning and Photogrammetry Together

Get the high resolution and detail that a 3D scanner for metrology delivers with the pinpoint volumetric accuracy - up to 15 m/m - of photogrammetry by simply combining photogrammetry findings from the Artec Metrology Kit with data from one or more Artec 3D scanners.

Select the strategy that best meets your needs.

There are two variations of the Artec Metrology Kit. The Professional version offers more accuracy and is made to make photogrammetry in more difficult conditions easier while the Entry version is intended for less demanding engineering use cases.

Entry Version

This package includes:

  • digital camera with 20 megapixels
  • Up to 0.002 mm + 0.005 mm/m in point-based accuracy
  • Accuracy of length measurements up to 0.025 mm + 0.025 mm/m
  • Metrology Kit for Artec Studio plugin
  • Changing camera settings
  • Targets and scale bars are among the fundamental measurement accessories.
$29,300 Buy Now

Professional Version

This package includes:

  • 30.3-megapixel camera with digital
  • Up to 0.002 mm + 0.005 mm/m in point-based accuracy
  • Accuracy of length measurements up to 0.015 mm + 0.015 mm/m
  • WiFi access and remote control possibilities
  • Metrology Kit for Artec Studio plugin
  • Changing camera settings
  • Adaptors (for characteristics like holes, edges, etc.) as well as a distinct reference cross and scale bar provide additional measurement targets (for larger and more complex parts)
$42,700 Buy Now

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